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Separation Anxiety - And The Screaming Gets Louder

What's the deal? I've never had an issue leaving him at the gym. I mean NEVER. Even when leaving him was an issue at other places, I've never had a problem at the gym (que music dum dum dum) until yesterday. He cried when I left him. And I think he cried for about 10 minutes or so. But he calmed down.

Today, he started whining in the parking lot. It was obvious he didn't want me to leave him. So no he didn't cry. He screamed. I picked him up and tried to comfort him, but it wasn't working. I told the girl working that I had to at least go and change clothes before I left the gym. So I left as Lil Man wailed. I got changed, and went back to check on him and he seemed okish. So I went back to the locker room and changed back yet again into my workout clothes. I walked back over to see if all was well, and the lady working there gave me a half way thumbs up. So I went to my class. I don't know what's going on, but I hope this is short lived.

After the gym, I wanted to head over to the Outlets for a little shopping. Lil Man and I stopped at a local coffee shop for a treat. One Chocolate croissant, chocolate cookie filled with peanut butter, and one chocolate chip cookie filled with chocolate was consumed. Lil Man looked at me and said 'more'. I was like, umm.. no.. I think we've had enough. This kid sure did get my love for chocolate.

We went to the Outlets for some shopping, a quick stop for lunch, and then home. He refused nap for about 30 minutes. And then I found him like this. He was sound asleep.

I should have napped today. My next 2 days require me to get up before 5:00am, but I just have too much that needs to get done. I still have laundry that needs to get done, a pie to make (since I promised my husband I'd make him one today), and the house needs to be cleaned (again). I don't see a nap in my future today. 
Anyone else dealing with separation anxiety? 


  1. Well, at least one of you got a nap! I find that when I have a day like that with my daughter, I need a break as much as she does!

    1. I totally understand the needing a break part!

  2. My youngest loves to cry occasionally when I go to leave him. I just remind him that I'll be back soon. He usually cries for a few minutes and forgets all about me until I come back for him.

    1. Yeah, lately it's been like a 10 minute or longer thing. Hopefully this week will be easier at the gym!

  3. Yes, my 6-yr niece is battling this axiety.. First year of kindergarden, so I know it takes time to adjust, but she cries constantly @ school & I've had to pick her up a few times.. I hate leaving her :(

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  4. Kids get into 'funks' just like adults. Some days we like alone time and some days we really want constant companionship. How old is your little guy? My daughter is 2 and she has had separation anxiety for almost her whole life. It has gotten a bit better, and then gotten worse again, and I keep hoping things will get better as she desires more independence as she gets older. There is no easy way to deal with it, but if your son is used to the child care at the gym, always has the same caregivers, and is only crying for about 10 minutes, I would not worry too much. If there is a new caregiver, or the caregivers change each time your son attends the gym childcare, you might want to spend a session in there with him-yep, spend a whole hour, or however long you would normally go workout, in the child care area and observe and interact with the caregivers. If they won't allow that, I would not leave my child there. (I used to work in daycares and have a degree in ECE. Parents should always be welcomed in the care rooms to observe and spend time getting to know the people watching their children...and most do not.) Some kids just want to know you are there more than others. I hope it gets better for both of us!


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